Many internet fans see the final website not knowing about the process of constructing the website. The very first thing in making a website is the management of the website. And for professional (maybe institutional also) websites, a complete team of professionals are involved in making the website.
Web is a project, so principles of project management are essential in the construction of the website. So:
-What are Project Management Principles?
-What are the key elements of any project?
-Cost – including manpower cost, time is cost
-Time – Total of man-hours
-Quality – difficult to define - subjective to certain specification.
-And is the rule of the Project Manager in the above considerations?
Since we are speaking about project management, Models of Project Management can be used to guide us resolve these issues. We will look at the following three models:
Traditional Organizational Hierarchy Model

"Decisions are taken at the "top" and communicated downwards ignoring the fact that expertise in specific areas lies near the "bottom" of the hierarchy.”
Project Co-ordination Model

“Project Manager can easily lose control of the management Process - as all work & and decisions are taken between, parties at the rim, with no more reference to the Project Manager.”
Delicate Tension Model

"Reflects the best of both preceding models. The Project Manager is clearly in possession of the requisite authority - but informal/formal reporting & communication between other parties, without reference to the Project Manager, is recognized."
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