Monday, August 31, 2009

6th W: Looking at an educational website; a brief analysis

In the following lines we will have a brief look at British Council Central as a website intended for adults. The website URL is: Looking at this andragogy website includes three main sides. These are design, content and strategies.

To make it easy to follow this will be presented in points as follows:


1. Is not childish in terms of sounds, colours and movements

2. Not much colors used –rather few calm colors were used; one main colour and two or three secondary colours.

3. The design gives a since of seriousness but without losing the fun of the website employing games, stories and songs.


1. Less guided and more optional than kids’ websites

2. Offers different levels for different users

3. Considering that users might have background by using “Test your level” activities. This in precise helps building on previous knowledge as constructism demands.


1. Gives the user the option of starting from his level by offering evaluating tools.

2. Teaching by fun (games, songs, stories) Here the difference with kids website is in the kind of games, songs or stories

3. Audible stories

4. Teaching by discovery employing educative general information about countries, cultures, environment,..etc.

5. Using themes in introducing new knowledge. For example learning English Listening through sports, jobs, etc.

6. Users can subscribe to a news letter about new things in the website

7. Gives links to related professional education institutes and activites

8. Helps finding institutions for teaching English in users countries